The Page stands alert on the pathway in what looks to be a grand garden. Poised for a duel, he holds his sword aloft.
But he's not duelling with us, the viewer - there's a Red Admiral butterfly that looks like it will be on the receiving end of the Page's blade - so this Page is quick witted if he can fence a butterfly!
Maybe he doesn't intend to hurt the butterfly at all - you can't see the tip of his blade in the image - for me that signifies that he's not going to hurt anyone - but he can go through the motions and probably be quite a pain in the neck (or wings!) for the poor creature. The Page of Swords can be an irritant - bit whiny, a bit of a clype as we say in Scotland! OK - I'll be trying to avoid THOSE particular traits lol!
Cats like to tease and toy with their 'catch' and that's perfectly suited to the Page of Swords!
Pages often stand for messages - possibly from your inner child or a part of you that feels stultified in some way. For me the Page of Swords is appearing here as a timely reminder to let my head have a bit of fun.
Swords like fair play and justice - and so do I - and this sometimes means that I wade in and try to help other people with their issues. Maybe it's time to step back, not take things too seriously, have a bit of fun - like my clever and quick-witted little companion here!
Have an excellent weekend - and if you have a couple of minutes, why not tell me what the Page of Swords mean to you?