In TRUTH,Nina has to deal with the aftermath of what happened in XVI and she’s growingwith the challenge. It was wonderful to watch her character growth, to see howshe realizes that women are just capable as men and that she doesn’t have tosit back; she can fight for what she thinks is right - and she does.
Thisrealization and her becoming more pro-active leads to some interesting disagreementsbetween her and her boyfriend Sal who thinks she needs his constant protection.It added nice tension to the plot! At the beginning of the book, I wasconvinced that Nina and Sal belonged together, that there was no other way, butas the book progressed, Julia managed to open my eyes to other options. Nina isa strong girl who doesn’t need a boyfriend at her side, even though shelongs for the love and closeness of someone else. Her world isn’t centered on aguy. She’s got her family to take care of, and friends, like Wei, who stand byher.
Iabsolutely loved Dee, Nina’s younger sister, in this book. She’s a strongcharacter of her own and handles difficult truths thrown her way with courage.What I particularly loved about XVI and again about TRUTH are the strong bondsbetween Nina and her sister, and between them and their grandparents. It’s niceto read a book that shows the importance of family, especially in a dystopiansociety.
Anotheraspect I enjoyed was that we learn more about the resistance and the fact thatmore people want to change the society than Nina, and we as the reader, might’veguessed.
As youprobably gathered from my review, I absolutely recommend TRUTH. It keeps you onthe edge of your seat while still managing to show softer moments betweencharacters.
A must-readfor fans of dystopian literature!
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