TRUTH's Book Birthday!!!

Today is the official release day of TRUTH, the sequel to XVI. And, wow - can I just say how unbelievably great that feels? It is like a "birth" day in so many ways. From conception to actually seeing your book in print, and then... presenting it to the world. The parallels are obvious and true. If you've ever actually given birth, which I have - twice - you'll know what I mean. If not - trust me. It's not an easy process! But, the feelings you have when you see your "baby" wipe out all the problems that preceded it!

You can see my "baby" there on the left side. Beautiful, no?

And... in prep for my launch parties (both in-person and virtual) - I've been working on some video & am going to share the 1st segment right here - right now!

Readers gave me questions they'd like answers to - so, I answered them. Here's a vid with the 1st set of questions (more tomorrow!)