Ten Things You Didn't Know About My Debut Novel, STARTERS, by Lissa Price

  1. It sold right before May 2011 in six days and is being published by Random House Children’s Books, Delacorte, on March 13, 2012. That’s fast.
  2. Because that was so fast, there isn’t as much perception about it as there might be – yet. We won’t have ARCs until later in January, so I’m grateful for any help spreading the word now. Thank you to the kind bloggers (Lenore was the first) who discovered Starters.
  3. It’s sold to 20 countries so far and launches a new German YA imprint of the big publisher Piper Verlag called IVI. (The blue cover you see in my sig).
  4. Starters was the only 2012 book that was featured at the 2011 SCIBA awards dinner where I dined with real, published authors including winner Andrew Smith (Marbury Lens), John Stephens (The Emerald Atlas) and Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me).
  5. A German TV journalist is coming with a crew to interview me next week. (yikes!)
  6. The publisher just finished the amazing book trailer, complete with actors, sets, and special things I dare not reveal yet.
  7. I’ll be on a six-city book tour the second half of March.
  8. It is the first of a two-book series, a duology (no, I did not make that up), with the second one coming out December 2012. I’ve told my buds that until April I have no time to do anything more than eat, sleep, write, blog and sometimes tweet.
  9. The concept was kept secret by my clever publisher all these months. With their permission, I revealed it on my bio here.
  10. Starters has more sekreets, soon to be revealed.
Thank you, Beth, and this truly great group of authors for inviting me to be part of the League. I’ll try not to do anything to embarrass you all, like dance on tables or kiss poodles. At least, not on the mouth.

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