Title: Starters (Random House Children's Books, Delacorte, March 13, 2012)
Short Plot: In a world ravaged by war and genocide, becoming someone else is now possible. Sixteen-year-old Callie discovers the Body Bank where teens rent their bodies to seniors who want to be young again. When her neurochip malfunctions, she wakes up in the mansion of her rich renter and finds she is dating a senator’s grandson. It’s a fairy-tale new life, until she discovers her renter’s deadly plan.
Favorite Dystopian Works: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, Matched by Ally Condie, Across the Universe by Beth Revis, Wither by Lauren DeStefano, Legend by Marie Lu, The Maze Runner by James Dashner, Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
Why Write Dystopian? My favorites mentioned above inspired me to imagine what could happen in my future world. When I’m writing, I tend to start with a character who is put in an unusual concept, and that’s what I did for STARTERS. I took our world today and projected current trends, magnifying them to support the narrative.
But the reason I do this is to build a context to hold a story with the potential for the strongest emotions. I want the reader to experience a roller-coaster ride of surprise, hate, fear and love but in a way that feels fresh. Dystopian just blows open those possibilities.
Whimper or Bang? T.S. Elliot said: "This is the way the world ends / This is the way the world ends / This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper." So...which is it: does the world end with a whimper or a bang?
I’m too much of an optimist to accept anything less than transformation.
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