Last night was the conclusion to our first Pathfinder adventure, DM'd by Everett. Good nerd times were had by all! Accept Erick, who played the hapless halfling rogue, Hob, who nearly drowned...
...was nearly eaten...
...and nearly coughed up his hobbit balls.
Chris, who played our barbarian warrior princess, Zorba, faired better against the undead
And scored the victory blow against Black Fang, a local dragon pest.
Here's Zorba, celebrating her victory with quiet dignity and grace.
And finally my character, the dwarven cleric Baz, glaring jealously at Zorba and all her new experience points.
More adventures to come! For all you gamers struggling with 4th edition D&D, I'd highly recommend the Pathfinder system. Much classier.
13 days...